Gift Card
"Deep Dive" painting by Elizabeth Nicholson
"Happy Jack"
Mermaid, Scherenschnitte by Pamela Dalton
"Spring Tide" by David Lazarus
"Ending Day" Painting by Phillip Hicken
"Nantucket, The New Haven Railroad
"Traditional Inspired" A Sailor's Valentine by Gerda Reid
"Compass Rose" A Sailor's Valentine by Gerda Reid
"White on White" A Sailor's Valentine by Gerda Reid
"Traditional Rose" A Sailor's Valentine by Gerda Reid
"Celtic Heart of Love" A Sailor Valentine by Gerda Reid
"Purple and Blue" A Sailor's Valentine by Gerda Reid
"Faces of Time" by Will Kautz
"Moors Road" oil painting by Robert Frazier
"Moors Road" miniature painting by Robert Frazier
"End of Season" painting by Clark Graff
"Orange Street, Nantucket" painting by Clark Graff
"Nantucket Scallop" A Sailor's Valentine by Gerda Reid
"I Do" A Sailor's Valentine by Gerda Reid
"Sea Foam" Sailor's Valentine by Gerda Reid
"Approach" painting by Megan Hinton
"Federal Street Alley" paining by Robert Miklos
"Back Street Club Car" painting by Robert Miklos
"Far Out" painting by Megan Hinton
"Honey Bee Bouquet" 11" Sailor's Valentine by Gerda Reid
"A Touch of Pink" 13" Sailor Valentine by Gerda Reid
"E Pluribus Unum" scherenschnitte by Pamela Dalton
"Long May She Wave" watercolor by Judy Brinck
Nantucket Map by Judy Brinck
Nightingales on Nantucket by Judy Brinck
Whaling Shadow Box by Steve Hazlett
"North Wharf, The Boat House"
"North Wharf, Austen Strong Boat House"
"Moors Walk" by Robert Frazier
"Low Tide" by Robert Frazier
"Blue Silk" a sailor's valentine by Gerda Reid
"Island Service Wharf" by Minna G. Webb
"Boat Masts #15"
Hand sculpted Turtle by Shayne Greco
Carved Fish in Shadow Box by Will Kautz
Mermaid Scherenschnitte in Antique Frame by Pamela Daltton
Map of Nantucket Scherenscnitte by Pamela Dalton
"Mermaid Bouquet" sailor's valentine by Gerda Reid
"Pleasant Day" Oil painting by David Lazarus
"Morning has Broken" Oil painting by David Lazarus
"Morning Cove" Oil painting by David Lazarus
"Day is Gone" Oil painting by David Lazarus
"Red Harbor" oil painting by David Lazarus
9" Nantucket Friendship Purse by Donna Cifranic
Christmas Dory Necklace
Nantucket bracelet with black cane by Caitlin Parsons
Nantucket Bracelet with scrimshaw of Sankaty Lighthouse by Caitlin Parsons